Every business wants to grow its website as a more successful website means more visitors. More visitors mean more customers and more customers mean more profit. Online marketing strategies that help you do this, however, are complex. Many require an expert to implement as you will waste time, money, or both if you don’t use someone who knows what they are doing. That said, there are still many things you can do on your own.

Each one of the tips below will help you get more traffic to your website. You can implement them with minimal technical or marketing expertise. All you need is a bit of time.

Analyse Your Website Statistics

The first step is to have a full understanding of the performance of your website. This means analysing statistics. Google Analytics is the most commonly used analytics tool – it is free and was probably installed on your website by your website designer. You will need access to this.

Google Analytics can appear complicated when you first look at, but you don’t need to understand everything. Read some articles on the most important metrics to measure – sessions, users, pageviews, bounce rate, acquisition sources, site content, etc – and concentrate initially on those.

Use Social Media

You will also grow traffic to your website if you are more active on social media as a brand and as an individual. You should share your content, share content of other brands and influencers in your industry, and engage in conversions. You should also reply to every message and comment that your followers leave you on social media.

Write a Blog

A blog is a great way to get additional traffic to your website. This traffic will come from a range of sources including Google, social media if you share the blogs you create, and from direct links on other websites. If your website has a blog facility, start posting regular blogs. The key is not to use your blogs as a direct selling or marketing tool. Instead, create informative and helpful blogs that users will value reading. Blogs are all about the subtle sell.

Network and be Active

You should also engage in other activities that will raise awareness of your brand. This will also generate traffic to your website. For example, if you comment as an expert on a story published on a local news website, people reading that article might look up your business, plus they will have increased knowledge of your brand. Some ideas for networking and being more active include:

  • Do speaking engagements
  • Use LinkedIn to publish articles, take part in discussion groups, and expand your network of contacts
  • Answer questions on Q&A sites like Yahoo
  • Contribute to discussions on social media groups and discussion forums
  • Read other blogs related to your industry and comment when you have something meaningful to contribute
  • Establish relationships with local journalists and journalists who write about your industry so they call you whenever they need an expert comment for a story

Start Email Marketing

You can start email marketing for free using tools like MailChimp. It helps you build your email list as well as helping you create engaging emails to send to the people on that list. To make email marketing effective, you will need to implement strategies that will build your email list, but with a little bit of research you will find options that you can implement and that will be effective.

One final tip is to not rely on any one digital marketing strategy. The more methods you use to get your message across to users and to promote your website, the more successful you will be.